Sunday, May 30, 2010

bike maze

finally got to do the maze project i've been thinking about for so long. although there are still some finishing touches that needs to be added, it came out pretty cool, i'm proud.
hit the link for the process:

1. sketch:
i wanted something simple so it'll be easy to make but not so simple that it's boring.

2. trace and print
teehee, so cute (in my opinion) in the size of my own bike.

3. mask:
this part was kinda crazy. next time i would just tape the whole pattern out instead of cutting an entire mask for the lines. yikes.

4. pick a place
we went out to 美提河濱公園
right here where people are allowed to tag. such a gorgeous day.

5. go crazy
it's mostly taping and covering everything that took the whole day. we met some people that were filming right beside us with an ugly interesting graffiti, so this might have gotten us on tv too!

6. finished!

getting dark and the mosquitoes are starting to attack.
the game is supposed to start at the handle bars and finish at the back wheel, but we didn't have time to put in some sort of indication---very awesome nonetheless ---i love my webpage strewn across the wall like that


  1. cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy to see you got new stuff!

  2. aww, thanks yochi~ for always supporting my blog...i think you are the only one reading it.. hahaha
