back! such a lovely trip. just not being around crowds and traffic was fantastic. the people were dark and luminous, the ocean was just sand and salt, the houses were made of corals and shingles...everything was in its own place.
follow up on the JPG show, i wrote to Pauline asking if she could send me an image of the big underwear concept sketch i love ( i was going to sneak a photo of it but didn't dare with the virtue police beside me), and she did! she replied, with oh so awesome this:
anyway, go see the show, the sketch is even more amazing in person
another crazy show with jean paulgaultierfashion at 北美館. i like the overall feeling of the room and the sketches oh my god by paulinebinouxis lovely. i do recommend, but not to everyone as it is a "weird" show"
attended a seminar/presentation with Frog Design'sHartmutEsslinger and 3 other (local)big shots, the presentation was great (i love color blocks and lots of pictures), but i feel bad for the other people who had to sit through the mediocre translation. 詹偉雄 goes on about steve jobs the god, and how we should all live beautiful lives by using beautiful products (as prescribed by his elitist columns). 禧冠 was witty and more pragmatic which i appreciated. it seems like all the discussions about design in taiwan is how awful cost-down solutions are and how the taiwanese design world will be so much better if we just let that go, break open our checkbooks and really deliver perfection without compromise. but i mean, it's never going to happen here, it's just not us, because we want cheap and fast money so we make cheap and awkward products. i donno, i'm very cynical. 禧冠 Esslinger 王志仁 詹偉雄